Ideas & How To's
7 Beautiful and Easy to Care for Houseplants
Did you know adding plants to your home or office can reduce stress, boost productivity, and improve air quality? Those are some serious benefits and that’s before mentioning the beauty and style house plants provide.
DIY Fall Urn Insert
Your next home project awaits! Creating a fall planter is a simple way to add some colour and interest to your front porch. Check out our tutorial video below. Happy planting!
Funky Pumpkin Decorating
It’s that time of the year again – pumpkin decorating time! However, this year, why not put a spin on your traditional funky carving by putting the knife away and exploring the potential in paint?
DIY Front Door Package
Autumn Colour In Your Garden
The Ontario countryside in the fall is a spectacularly colourful landscape that we all admire and enjoy. Many of us make special trips to view the brilliant colours of Maples and waysides adorned with Goldenrod and Asters. But where is the colour in our own garden?
Pumpkin Centrepiece DIY
There are many ways to use pumpkins, other than just carving! This dried flower-filled pumpkin centrepiece is a beautiful way to compliment your autumn décor. Use our pumpkin vase or a real pumpkin as a base, grab your favourite bouquet, moss, floral picks, a foam base, scissors and you’re on your way.
Fall Bulbs
Hardy fall bulbs such as Daffodil, Tulip, Hyacinth, Crocus and Snowdrop are spring flowering plants that must be planted in the fall. They are mostly native to mountainous areas of Europe, as well as Turkey and Afganistan. They actually need the dormant rest period of a long, cold winter. The melting snow and ice in early spring provide needed moisture as they start to grow and flower. Plant from September to December, even after the first frost if the ground can still be worked.
Is your Garden Ready for Fall?
The tail end of summer is one of the busiest seasons in the garden. The slightly cooler weather gives the plants a burst of energy, with beautiful summer blooms, a bounty of vegetables, and unfortunately, weeds. It is also the ideal time for planting fall perennials, spring bulbs, and get your garden ready for the cooler weather.
The Joy of Perennials
A perennial is a herbaceous (soft and fleshy) plant that thrives for three or more years. Perennials come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours and can bloom from early April until late October. For these reasons, they are fast becoming more popular. Perennials are one of the easiest plants to grow. Sun or shade, clay or loam, there is a perennial for almost all of your garden needs.
Ready for Seed Starting?
Starting seeds indoors is a great (and inexpensive) way to fill your garden. It gives you a great opportunity to try new and different varieties of plants, as well as experiment with planting times.
Tips for Arrangements
Check out these helpful tips and tricks to ensure you get the most out of your fresh floral arrangement!
How to Make Fresh Flowers Look Their Best
Want to keep your blooms lasting longer? Follow a few of these simple cut flower care ideas and you will keep your blooms vibrant and long lasting.