Countdown to Christmas

Christmas Theme:
Champagne Cheer

Champagne Cheer

Our "Champagne Cheer" theme brings a warm elegance to the season, with a refined palette of cream, white, and silver hues. Delicate droplet-style ornaments in white and gold glisten alongside silver baubles accented with intricate snowflake decals, capturing the shimmer of freshly fallen snow. Natural, leafy textures add a gentle, organic touch, creating a sophisticated yet cozy ambiance that embodies the spirit of celebration and cheer.

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Champagne Cheer theme full tree.jpg__PID:373f9db6-900b-407e-92af-5eb18bf3416d
WREATH SNOW BALL PINE & GARLAND.jpg__PID:926a8d28-373f-4db6-900b-a07ed2af5eb1
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TABLE DECOR LED SBALL WINTER SCENE 801946391142.jpg__PID:a07ed2af-5eb1-4bf3-816d-41c7f04e4d45

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